Generation-Skipping Trust Exclusion

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A Generation-Skipping Trust Exclusion is a provision in the Internal Revenue Code that allows individuals to transfer assets to beneficiaries who are two or more generations younger without incurring the generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax. This exclusion is fundamentally designed to help families preserve wealth across generations while minimizing tax burdens.

The Generation-Skipping Trust Exclusion applies to specific amounts that can be transferred tax-free, which are adjusted annually for inflation. As of 2023, the GST exemption is set at $12.92 million per individual, allowing for a significant amount of wealth to be passed down to grandchildren or great-grandchildren without triggering taxes.

For example, if a grandparent establishes a generation-skipping trust and funds it with $12 million, this amount can be passed on to grandchildren without incurring GST tax, effectively skipping the parent’s generation. Any amounts exceeding the exemption will be subject to GST tax at a rate of 40%.

In Texas, particularly in areas like Houston, establishing a Generation-Skipping Trust can be an effective strategy for affluent families looking to manage their estate planning and protect their wealth across generations. It’s advisable to work with an estate planning attorney to ensure compliance with both state and federal tax laws while considering the specific dynamics of family wealth distribution.

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