Glossary Archive

Unilateral Arbitration Provision

Unilateral Arbitration Provision A unilateral arbitration provision is a clause in a contract that mandates arbitration for disputes but allows only one party the discretion to initiate that process. This means that while one party (usually the stronger or more sophisticated party) has the right to compel arbitration for any disputes that arise, the other...

Unilateral Decision-Making in Arbitration

Unilateral Decision-Making in Arbitration Unilateral Decision-Making in Arbitration refers to a situation where one party in an arbitration process has the authority to make binding decisions without the need for agreement or consent from the other party. This concept is often encountered in arbitration clauses within contracts where one party is granted the power to...

Unilateral Dispute Resolution Clause

Unilateral Dispute Resolution Clause A Unilateral Dispute Resolution Clause is a contractual provision that allows one party to unilaterally decide how disputes will be resolved, often without requiring the other party's consent to the chosen method. This clause typically outlines the procedures that the designated party must follow in the event of a disagreement, which...

Unimproved Land Purchase Agreement

Unimproved Land Purchase Agreement An Unimproved Land Purchase Agreement is a legal contract between a buyer and a seller that outlines the terms and conditions for the sale of a parcel of land that has not been developed or improved with structures or utilities. This type of agreement is commonly used when the land is...

Unjust Enrichment Mediation

Unjust Enrichment Mediation Unjust enrichment refers to a legal principle that occurs when one party benefits at the expense of another in a manner deemed unjust by the law. It is a concept often invoked in civil law disputes, where one party has received a benefit that they should not be entitled to retain without...

Unlawful Detainer Action Agreement

Unlawful Detainer Action Agreement An unlawful detainer action agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions between a landlord and a tenant regarding the eviction process when a tenant remains in possession of a rental property after the lease has expired or has been terminated. In an unlawful detainer action, the landlord...

Unrecorded Easement Agreement

Unrecorded Easement Agreement An unrecorded easement agreement is a legal arrangement that grants a party the right to use a portion of another person's property for a specific purpose, such as access or utility installation, without being formally documented in the public land records. An easement can be expressed or implied and is typically created...

Unresolved Issues in Mediation

Unresolved Issues in Mediation Unresolved issues in mediation refer to the specific disputes or conflicts that remain undecided at the conclusion of a mediation session. Mediation is a facilitated negotiation process where a neutral third party, the mediator, assists the involved parties in reaching a voluntary agreement. While the goal of mediation is to resolve...

Usufruct Rights

Usufruct Rights Usufruct rights refer to a legal right that allows an individual or entity (the usufructuary) to use and enjoy the benefits of someone else's property (the bare owner) without owning the property itself. This right is typically established by a legal agreement, such as a will, trust, or contract, and is often associated...

Usury Clause in Loan Agreements

Usury Clause in Loan Agreements A usury clause in loan agreements is a provision that specifies the maximum interest rate that can be charged on a loan. This clause is designed to protect borrowers from excessively high-interest rates that could be classified as usurious, meaning they exceed legal limits set by state or federal law....